Dead Effect 2 esce dall’Early Access


L’ottimo sparatutto di BadFly Interactive, che abbiamo già recensito su VR Italia alcune settimane addietro, giunge finalmente al lancio dopo quattro mesi intensi di accesso anticipato. La campagna risultava già completa da alcune settimane, ma la versione 1.0 porta con se svariate migliorie ed integrazioni. Eccone l’elenco completo:

Heavy weapons training and unique weapon.

Nuove armi
– Onyx disc launcher
– Equinox tactical crossbow
– Helion and Trinity heavy fusion weapons
– Vindicator miniguns
– Rebellion shotguns

Nuove funzioni
*Weapon bashing – you can bash enemies with your firearms; the damage is minimal, but you can throw them away and a good crack in the head may stun them.
* Holding grip with empty hands and without any other possible interaction will switch to fists.
* Punching – you can punch enemies with your fists (or with clips). Again, minimal damage, but a small chance to knock enemies down.
* A few small improvements in the weapon shop menu (longer lists, showing weapon training skills for weapons)
* Options for free rotation sensitivity
* Option for FOV reduction during teleport (FOV will be reduced by the value set by the player during the teleport).
* Option for FOV reduction during free movement (FOV will be reduced by the value set by the player and speed during free movement).
* Option for allowing spatial distortion effects in video settings
* Option for ammo bag reload on dual wield – with this setting you can reload your weapons from holsters if you’re holding two weapons. A single weapon has to be reloaded manually.
* Option for disabling most of the on-hand hints

– Rescaled sights for the Fury machine gun
– Updated SteamVR plugin – Mixed Reality should be now possible.
– Updated models for the Rebellion and Venom shotguns
– Weapons no longer reset on respawn.
– Paralyzer shooting – holding fire will show an aiming electric bolt, releasing –
will trigger the attack.
– Minor rebalancing of the weapons.
– Mines dropped by the Supersoldier can be now shot.
– The Venom shotgun pumping is now faster.
– Minor difficulty balance for the nightmare and hell difficulties. Remember – -you have to aim at the head!
– Using the ammo bag reload now adds a small debuff based on the weapon type (none for melee, maximal for pump shotguns).
– Increased revolver animation reload speed
– Added a small penetration chance to standard sniper rifle bullets.
– Added a small penetration chance to revolver bullets.

– Bow not being drawn in coop at other players
– Bow wrong hand anchor on bowstring
– Wrong ability hints for the Oculus Touch
– Minigame positions in several levels
– Tuned bloom effect on some weapons
– Fixed some minor GUI problems (clipping, text overlapping in different anguages)
– Fixed visual effects clipping issues (texts, holodots, blood)
– Fixed chainsaw damage dealing
– Fixed chainsaw 3pv sounds and effects
– Fixed possible blocker in the mission Saved in a Freezer where the player died on the elevator just before the end.
– Fixed force field collisions in the “Get Connected” mission
– Fixed a few minor collision problems in some levels
– Fixed movement and teleport being possible while in the shops in the base
– Fixed movement/teleport bug on mounted machine gun
– Fixed possible holster error on mounted machine gun
– Fixed several pathfinding problems in some levels
– Fixed ability targeting with a weapon in hand
– Fixed ability hint showing
– Fixed revolver animation
– Reload sounds on Fury and Raptor
– Fixed short hands skin
– Fixed Synergy rifle animation
– Fixed Hurricane rifle model
– Fixed sights on some Hyperion variants
– Fixed manual ammo picking problems when picking more items quickly
– FIxed manual ammo picking delay on drop
– Fixed paralyzer aiming
– Fixed ammo spawning problems for some weapons
– Fixed light effects on shooting
– Fixed physics for torn body parts
– Fixed wrong distant touch picking
– Fixed finished side tasks showing in the map GUI
– Fixed ultimate sniper rifle reloading


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Link: Gruppo VR-ITALIA



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